Event has been cancelled since too few signed up, we will do this later during summer instead.

We will go to Tinnerö Oak Woodland at 08:15 in the morning on 11th of June and without jinxing it we should get some good bird photos there. After the photowalk we will have some simple BBQ with sausages. We estimate the BBQ to happen around 10:00, but it could be later. This will be our final event before summer vacation, and the last event for Philip to be present. He’s going to continue his studies in Lund and will henceforth most likely only join our events remotely.
We meet up at the BBQ next to the parking named Dämmet next to the lake Rosenkällasjön. Our walk will be next to this lake.
We’d recommend bringing both tripod and long lenses (if you have). If you don’t want to take photos of birds then there should be plenty of other nature related subjects for you to indulge in.
Please sign up if you plan on coming so we know how many to expect.