Ny termin och aktiviteter i september

Ny termin har startat och Linslusen drar igång igen efter sommarens uppehåll! Vi kommer ha något av en introduktionshelg, mer om det lite längre ned. Någon kanske reagerar på att texten är på svenska, och det är mycket riktigt en viss skillnad från de närmst gångna åren. Då vi haft mycket utbytesstudenter som varit medlemmar

Photowalk at Tinnerö Oak Woodland

Event has been cancelled since too few signed up, we will do this later during summer instead. We will go to Tinnerö Oak Woodland at 08:15 in the morning on 11th of June and without jinxing it we should get some good bird photos there. After the photowalk we will have some simple BBQ with

Photowalk at Kärna Mosse

Spring is here which means that the Linslusers emerge from their dens armed with cameras and slightly cold fingers on the shutterbutton. We plan on walking in Kärna Mosse (less than 15 min biking from Ryds centrum) and photographing newly emerged spring flowers and other fun stuff. We start walking from Kärna scoutgård around 08:15

Photo fika: Hip to be square

On the 11th of April at 18:00 we will have a photo fika with the theme: Hip to be square. You are welcome to interpret it however you want and bring any pic you think fits the theme.  If you do not wish to share any pictures you’re of course still welcome to join, and

Linslusen Slack

Since many years back Linslusen has a Slack which has been used by most boards to communicate internally. We also used to have communication with members there, but these days few members know it exist. Facebook was long the preferred way for communication with members. Those of you who are in our members group in

Photo Fika on April 2nd (cancelled)

On the 2nd of April at 15:00 event is cancelled, we will have a photo fika with the theme: Hip to be square. You are welcome to interpret it however you want and bring any pic you think fits the theme.  If you do not wish to share any pictures, you’re, of course still welcome